ALPHA | Screening: Identities

Video art
  • Thu 19.May @ 12:00 - 5/7/16 13:00
  • Fri 20.May @ 17:00 - 5/7/16 18:00
  • Sat 21.May @ 13:00 - 5/7/16 14:00
  • Sun 22.May @ 18:00 - 5/7/16 19:00
Screening room | Main venue

The first letter of the Greek alphabet, Alpha has come to denote “the first of anything.” Animal researchers use the word to signify dominance, applying it to the leader of the pack, who is first in power and importance. Among humans, an Alpha-Male is defined as “a man tending to assume a dominant role in social or professional situations, or thought to possess the qualities and confidence for leadership.” This project is based on a subliminal soundtrack called ‘Be the Alpha Male’. The narration is re-enacted by three muscular men. The resulting multi-layered video is presented as a larger than life projection.

Duration: 11:22 min


Constantin Hartenstein (DE)

Constantin Hartenstein is an artist based in Berlin. He studied “Art and Media” at University of the Arts Berlin; and graduated with honors in 2009. In 2010, he was awarded the Meisterschüler degree (post-graduate M.F.A.) at Braunschweig University of Art studying “Fine Arts” with Candice Breitz. Hartenstein participated in several artist in residency programs, and is the recipient of numerous prizes and awards. His works are included in public and private collections; and have been exhibited and screened at international galleries and institutions. Some of his recent shows include Anthology Film Archives New York, Spring/Break Art Show New York, Times Museum Guangzhou (CN), Videonale.15 at Kunstmuseum Bonn, Kino der Kunst München, Museum of the Moving Image New York (USA). His works are reviewed and published in New York Times, aqnb, ARTFORUM, art das kunstmagazin, taz, Hyperallergic, JPeople Magazine, qjubes, perisphere and VOGUE Germany.


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Athens Digital Arts Festival is an International Festival which celebrates digital culture through an annual gathering bringing together a global community of artists and audiences. Athens Digital Arts Festival encourages, stimulates and promotes all aspects of digital creativity by hosting local as well as international artists and communities.


T. +302103230005

7 Flemigk Str., 143 42, Nea Filadelfia,
Athens, Greece

18 Miltiadou Str., 105 60, Monastiraki,
Athens, Greece