Stormy China | Screening: Pop Apocalyptic – After Dark

  • Fri 20.May @ 22:00 - 5/10/16 23:00
  • Sun 22.May @ 21:00 - 5/10/16 22:00
Screening room | Main venue

The video-animation “Stormy China” refers mainly to a ritualistic element of connecting to the Internet that derives from a daily need to loathe reality. There are strong references to the social media and Second Life, the creation of avatars and how they succumb to the anthropological changes of the Internet era. The movies are based on poems that the artist wrote through the perspective of his internet persona called Cievil Momo. Through the imagery that derives from the poems “Made of Storm” and “Chinese Lamp” there is a need of redefining meanings under an illusionistic digital narration.

Duration: 7:43 min


Marios Pavlou (CY)

Marios Pavlou was born in Cyprus in 1989. In 2015 he graduated from Athens School of Fine Arts. He participated in workshops such as “Anthropocene”, “Vice Versa” and “Survival Kit” workshops, and collaborations from the Athens School of Fin Arts and the Karlsruhe University of Art and Design, the Braunschweig University of Fine Art, and Munich Academy of Fine Art. He took part in group exhibitions at Rational Theater, at Lothringer Laden and at Kullukcu Galerie in Munich, also in the group exhibition “Reality Through Fiction” at Circuits and Currents in Athens, and te group exhibition How to Project and Spell” that was also show at the Chisenhale Gallery in London. His work also featured in dialogue#10 “dialogue#10: art, new technology and social media” K.E.E.T, Athens 2015, “Rooms 2016″ at St.George Lycabettus, at the “7th student Biennale”, In 2014 at the “Β & Μ. Theocharakis Foundation for Fine Arts and Music”, at the “Map Of The New Art”, Fondazione Giorgio Cini, in 2015 in Venice, and was a member of the scenography team for the theatrical production “Still Life” by Dimitris Papaioanou. He is a member of the steering committee of Circuits and Currents , the project space of the Athens School of Fine Art that started in 2014.


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The Blood | Screening: Pop Apocalyptic

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Mind the Gap | Screening: Pop Apocalyptic – After Dark

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Vellum | Screening: Pop Apocalyptic – After Dark

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Sediment | Screening: Pop Apocalyptic

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Athens Digital Arts Festival is an International Festival which celebrates digital culture through an annual gathering bringing together a global community of artists and audiences. Athens Digital Arts Festival encourages, stimulates and promotes all aspects of digital creativity by hosting local as well as international artists and communities.


T. +302103230005

7 Flemigk Str., 143 42, Nea Filadelfia,
Athens, Greece

18 Miltiadou Str., 105 60, Monastiraki,
Athens, Greece