Locomoción | Experimental Animation Festival

Festivals of the World
  • Fri 20.May @ 15:00 - 5/13/16 16:00

Locomoción it’s an Experimental Animation Festival held at Mexico City. We believe in the importance of the experimentation as a learning process, trendsetter and as an personal style finder. We focus on the Visual Alchemists: artists willing to find the perfect combination of technique, plastic, substrate and narrative in the forming of the visual philosopher’s Stone. We seek to offer a platform for the free and conscious development for this art.

The screening, Alquimia Visual (Visual Alchemy), consists of the winners of the festival’s first and second editions and one collaboration with a mexican-based studio called Casiopea. A total of fourteen animated shorts that showcase their own vision of experimentation.

The curation was in charge of the judges of both editions of the festival:
Arnold Abadie
Christian Cueva
Cid Rodrigo Castillero Mortera
Eduardo Jiménez Ahuactzin
Francisco Estrada
José René López Fouilloux
Nuria Menchaca
Oscar de Jesús Aragón Pérez
Pavel Molina
Ricardo Arnaiz
Ricardo Farías Arauzo
Roberto Andreú
Wadinsky Jones


Daniel Farah (MX) | The Wend

A man is freed from his death through dance. Motivated a sense of freedom by listening to the music.

Duration: 3:30 min

01_01_The Wend_Daniel Farah


Iris Díaz (MX) | Ante la Nada (Into the Nothingness)

The simple communication of an emotion through the expressions of the character without using a narration for it.

Duration: 2:48 min

02_02_Ante la Nada_Iris Diaz



Alejandro “Male” García Caballero (MX) | Santolo

From the tombs of Mexico City’s Dolores Pantheon colorful characters emerge willing to fill the night with color and celebration.

Duration: 4:56 min


Casiopea (MX) | Adentro (Afuera)

Unable to stay on the ocean surface our character plunges into its mysteries to touch the bottom, discovering that this is the same than the surface and by crossing that boundary becomes a good swimmer.

Duration: 1:25 min

04_01_Adentro Afuera_Casiopea

Genadzi Buto (RU) | Ono / It

“A creature settles down in a young man’s room and feeds hib but at the same time kills him. His life is fallig apart,and he had no choice but to struggle to the death againts ths dependence.”

Duration: 8:20 min

05_01_Ono(It)_Genadzi Buto

Frederic Siegel (CH) | Ruben Leaves

The daily struggle against Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Duration: 5:00 min

06_02_Ruben Leaves_FREDERIC SIEGEL

Martín Smatana (SI) | Rosso Papavero/Circus of Red Poppy

Once upon a starry night, a small boy with a head full of fantasies witnesses dream-like circus performances. Dazed by endless chain of glittering attractions, he realizes that the price for a ticket to the fantastic circus tent is too high and the gate between reality and dream is closing.

Duration: 5:15 min

07_02_Rosso Papavero_MARTÍN SMATANA

Ivan Diaz (ES) | Avec le temps

Eventually everything goes away, faces disappear. That who before at a glance you knew by intuition, in whom you believed without knowing why, today are nothing. Over time you’ve stopped loving. Tribute to French singer Léo Ferré.

Duration: 5:00 min

08_01_Avec Le Temps_ Ivan Diaz

Anne-Sophie Cayon & Laura Nicolas (BE) | La Botanique des Amours

Plants would have an affective life.
Some even go as far as speaking about <<love>>.

Duration: 4:28 min


Wenyu Li (CN) | Go to City ELE

The film is about discrimination, using the diference betwin pig and elephant to make this story.

Duration: 9:28 min

10_02_ Go to City Ele - Wenyu Li

Juan Llobera (AR) | Zombie Pony

Pony Zombies and lots of shootings!

Duration: 1:34 min

11_02_ Zombie Pony - Juan Llobera

Paulo Mosca & Abel Sánchez (ES) | Amor de Mono

Humans, since you don’t know how to solve your own problems, the subnormal monetes have come to deal out justice and elegance with our sexy and tropical style. You are taking too long to buy a canoe, you will need one!!

Duration: 4:30 min

12_02_ Amor de Mono -Trimono

Edgar Álvarez (USA/CO) | The Invisibles

I found this project in Los Angeles’ streets, world capital of people without a home.

Duration: 6:45 min

13_02_ The Invisibles_ Edgar Alvarez

Hector Bustamante (MX) | Bulletproof

In the midst of war, a child who has lost everything decides bravely to face death and it rewards him before leaving the world of the living.

Duration: 5:51 min



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Festivals of the World Sun 22.May @ 15:45 - 5/11/16 17:00

Athens Digital Arts Festival is an International Festival which celebrates digital culture through an annual gathering bringing together a global community of artists and audiences. Athens Digital Arts Festival encourages, stimulates and promotes all aspects of digital creativity by hosting local as well as international artists and communities.


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7 Flemigk Str., 143 42, Nea Filadelfia,
Athens, Greece

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Athens, Greece