
  • Thu 19.May @ 11:00 - 4/21/16 23:00
  • Fri 20.May @ 11:00 - 4/21/16 23:00
  • Sat 21.May @ 11:00 - 4/21/16 23:00
  • Sun 22.May @ 11:00 - 4/21/16 23:00

This project started with the suspicion that phones are having more fun communicating than we are. Every message is a tickle, every swipe a little rub. From their initial transformation of metal and silicon into objects of desire, infused with social significance and “intelligence”, personalized with biases and ideology, endowed with a flawless memory, always a call away from the mothership… it becomes difficult to declare who – phone or human – has the upper hand on culture. memememe is a sculpture that celebrates the ambiguities of human/object, user/interface and actor/network relationships. It is an app that removes phones from their anthropocentric usefulness, and gives them the beginnings of a language. Residues of their conversations can be seen, but certainly not understood.


Radamés Ajna (BR)

Liverpool based Brazilian media artist and educator with background in physics, mathematics and computation. He has been using technology as platform of experimentation, using public spaces, human interaction and machines interaction. Has presented and taught in different museums, art centers and festivals, including Tate Liverpool, FILE and MIS in São Paulo, Semibreve Festival in Portugal, Media Art Futures in Spain. In 2015 awarded an AiR residency at Autodesk and was the recipient of a VIDA 15.0 Production Incentive award from Fundación Telefónica. Currently a Researcher Artist in Residence at FACT Liverpool working on educational and learning resources around new media art.

Thiago Hersan (BR)

Thiago Hersan is a Liverpool-based Brazilian, who used to work improving semiconductor manufacturing technologies. Now, he is more interested in exploring non-traditional uses of technology and their cultural affect. He is part of Astrovandalistas, an art+tech+activism collective based in Mexico City, whose work is primarily focused on designing interfaces for enhancing human-human interaction and collective experiences. Additionally, Thiago has recently worked as a design-engineer at BeatBots in San Francisco, prototyping interactive robotic toys for autism therapy research. He is currently a Researcher in Residence at FACT, in Liverpool, where, along with Radamés Ajna, he is responsible for the implementation of a public space for art and technology experimentation called FACTLab. He has participated in residency programs in diverse spaces like Impakt in Utrecht, The Hacktory in Philadelphia and Telefonica I+D in Barcelona, and in 2013 won a VIDA 15.0 Production Incentive Award.



Installations THU-SUN @ 11:00 - 5/15/16 23:00


Installations THU-SUN @ 11:00 - 6/6/16 23:00

Emotional Mirror

Installations THU-SUN @ 11:00 - 4/21/16 23:00

A place I’ve never been

Installations THU-SUN @ 11:00 - 5/7/16 23:00


Installations THU-SUN @ 11:00 - 5/7/16 23:00

The Queen of the Dream

Installations THU-SUN @ 11:00 - 4/21/16 23:00

Athens Digital Arts Festival is an International Festival which celebrates digital culture through an annual gathering bringing together a global community of artists and audiences. Athens Digital Arts Festival encourages, stimulates and promotes all aspects of digital creativity by hosting local as well as international artists and communities.


T. +302103230005

7 Flemigk Str., 143 42, Nea Filadelfia,
Athens, Greece

18 Miltiadou Str., 105 60, Monastiraki,
Athens, Greece