r lightTweakSunlight01 | Screening: Abstract Aesthetics

Video art
  • Thu 19.May @ 13:00 - 5/6/16 14:00
  • Sat 21.May @ 12:00 - 5/6/16 13:00
  • Sun 22.May @ 11:00 - 5/6/16 12:00
Screening room | Main venue

“r_lightTweakSunlight” project stems from the research within the videogames brought forward by Marco Mendeni in recent years, giving rise to an environmental path entirely realized with Cryengine3 engine, an advanced software to create videogames. The use of a platform for the creation of virtual worlds has allowed him to develop a parallel reality starting from nothing, populating it freely with textures and extravagant Physics laws, in a search which is about space and shape, thanks to computer use. “r_lightTweakSunlight” is the simulation of a fictional world and a suggestive places exploratory documentation inside the machinery, a trip through its contingencies and its dark sides. He deconstructs and disintegrates the matter, aimed to a gradual change of the environment. Spaces of perception are destined to live exclusively in the virtual memory of a computer, and this kind of creation lives of the provocation for the loss of functionality. The world created by Marco Mendeni consists of charts, lines, vectors, an environmental anamorphoses which disassemble the space. The transition from one environment to another is the transience of each digital item. The overlapping of spaced elements destabilizes the viewer and, simultaneously, suggests possible truth, like a deconstructivist architect who breaks the figurative systems because of the need to broaden the concept of form.

Duration: 5:11 min


Marco Mendeni (IT)

Marco Mendeni develops an advanced research for which he uses the videogame as an expressive medium to start a critical reflection among real and digital, simulation and dissimulation. Virtuality and reality, presence and absence, tradition and innovation apparently are some of the antinomy couples on which the work of Mendeni is based. The virtually real world of the videogame loses its artificial character of playable simulation and becomes a middle ground to be explored and to be revealed through different media.


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Athens Digital Arts Festival is an International Festival which celebrates digital culture through an annual gathering bringing together a global community of artists and audiences. Athens Digital Arts Festival encourages, stimulates and promotes all aspects of digital creativity by hosting local as well as international artists and communities.


T. +302103230005
E. info@adaf.gr

7 Flemigk Str., 143 42, Nea Filadelfia,
Athens, Greece

18 Miltiadou Str., 105 60, Monastiraki,
Athens, Greece