Scopic drive | Screening: Comrade consumerists!

Video art
  • Thu 19.May @ 11:00 - 5/9/16 12:00
  • Fri 20.May @ 21:00 - 5/9/16 22:00
  • Sat 21.May @ 22:10 - 5/9/16 23:00
  • Sun 22.May @ 19:00 - 5/9/16 20:00
Screening room | Main venue

Based on a hybridization of genders and languages (video essay, documentary, fiction, video art) an operator -which is both a spectator looking glances-, proposes a series of questions. The work isn’t intended to document the panopticon of the twenty-thousand pictures -all the same and all different- that are taken daily in the proposed place, nor to illustrate the questions that are outlined regarding the media theory. The attempt is to distinguish the alienated drive [that way of looking imposed by the visual culture associated to consumerism] and desire to gaze [another way of seeing]. A reaction against excess of images.

Duration: 4:00 min


Lisi Prada (ES)

A videomaker based in Madrid, she is interested in a search for balance between conceptual and sensory, between ethics and aesthetics; also, she uses linguistic polyvalence as a resource for simultaneous multiple layers of meaning. After a decade of learning and experimentation, she showed for the first time publicly in 2009, one of her video creations that received a special mention at the Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Cinematográficas de España, an honor that followed other awards. She has had two solo shows in Spanish galleries and has participated in group exhibitions, screenings and festivals in numerous countries.


NV1 | Screening: Comrade consumerists!

Video art THU-SUN @ 11:00 - 5/9/16 12:00

Lifestyle | Screening: Comrade consumerists!

Video art THU-SUN @ 11:00 - 5/20/16 12:00

Cycles | Screening: Comrade consumerists!

Video art THU-SUN @ 11:00 - 5/9/16 12:00

No hay banda (2015) | Screening: Pop-compression

Video art THU-SUN @ 15:00 - 5/6/16 16:00

Comrade consumerists!

Video art THU-SUN @ 11:00 - 5/9/16 12:00

Athens Digital Arts Festival is an International Festival which celebrates digital culture through an annual gathering bringing together a global community of artists and audiences. Athens Digital Arts Festival encourages, stimulates and promotes all aspects of digital creativity by hosting local as well as international artists and communities.


T. +302103230005

7 Flemigk Str., 143 42, Nea Filadelfia,
Athens, Greece

18 Miltiadou Str., 105 60, Monastiraki,
Athens, Greece