Digital image
  • Thu 19.May @ 11:00 - 5/8/16 23:00
  • Fri 20.May @ 11:00 - 5/8/16 23:00
  • Sat 21.May @ 11:00 - 5/8/16 23:00
  • Sun 22.May @ 11:00 - 5/8/16 23:00
Gallery space @ six d.o.g.s

ALICE IN THREE-DIMENSIONAL WONDERLAND is a digitally created 3D model translated into a virtual state of three-dimensional illusion. This degree of illusion is based on a visual simulation encoding perception through the stereoscopic 3D effect. Like Annlee of Philippe Parreno and Pierre Huyghe, Alice is a fictional character created from a 3D model database file and liberated from the realms of commercial representation. Here, Alice is nothing else, but a visual fantasy inherent to the narration that becomes real through conceptual appropriation.

The juxtaposition of two images works like a mirror in reference to the Lewis Carroll’s idea of two coexisting worlds: the real and the imaginary one. The underlying signification is related to the digital three-dimensional realm that offers nowadays infinite possibilities of creation, representation and interpretation of reality. Is the digital realm a nowadays Wonderland? What does mean real today? This work plays with the trans-physical aspect of simulated reality that oscillates between the illusory world and the relevance of imagination.


Joanna Wlaszyn (PL)

Joanna Wlaszyn is an interdisciplinary artist who comes from architectural background. Drawing on the theoretical concepts indirectly involved in her work, Joanna Wlaszyn employs different traditional and digital medias to realize hybrid artworks and installations. Her artistic practice demonstrates an active engagement with continually evolving post-digital culture. By merging various traditional and digital technics, she explores different modes of perception based on various phenomena such as visual simulation, conceptual speculation or ubiquity and simulacra. Creating the possible interpretations of what’s real, Wlaszyn’s work melds the visual language and conceptual experiment in alternative representations. Her works have been shown internationally, including recently International Biennial of Design, Saint-Étienne and LACADA Los Angeles Center For Digital Art. Joanna Wlaszyn has studied architecture, art and new media design. She holds a PhD in Critical Theory of Architecture from University Paris-Est and a master degree MS in New Medias Art & Design from Ensci in Paris. She is also the author of scientific publications, which explore the multifaceted impact of digital technologies on the disciplines of art, design and architecture. Born in Poland, she lives and works in Paris.


From the pointer to the thumb

Digital image THU-SUN @ 11:00 - 5/8/16 23:00

Lost in the woods

Digital image THU-SUN @ 11:00 - 5/8/16 23:00

Lost in the woods Book

Digital image THU-SUN @ 11:00 - 5/8/16 23:00

Caesar 2.0

Digital image THU-SUN @ 11:00 - 5/8/16 23:00


Digital image THU-SUN @ 11:00 - 5/8/16 23:00

Athens Digital Arts Festival is an International Festival which celebrates digital culture through an annual gathering bringing together a global community of artists and audiences. Athens Digital Arts Festival encourages, stimulates and promotes all aspects of digital creativity by hosting local as well as international artists and communities.


T. +302103230005

7 Flemigk Str., 143 42, Nea Filadelfia,
Athens, Greece

18 Miltiadou Str., 105 60, Monastiraki,
Athens, Greece