Performance | Screening: Identities

Video art
  • Thu 19.May @ 12:00 - 5/7/16 13:00
  • Fri 20.May @ 17:00 - 5/7/16 18:00
  • Sat 21.May @ 13:00 - 5/7/16 14:00
  • Sun 22.May @ 18:00 - 5/7/16 19:00
Screening room | Main venue

An event of performance seen and revived on the shore of a lake. Viewers and performers (and those all-in-one) are invited to experience pure state of observation. Starring nature, crowd and light. A meditative video piece is inspired by minimalist and elemental tendencies of art history (arte povera, John Cage, Joseph Beuys) and tries to transform similar kind of thinking into a strong moving image of a simple event bringing fundamental overlap of symbolism.

Duration: 10:00 min


Lea Petříková (CZ)

Visual artist, filmmaker. In 2014 graduated at the Center for Audiovisual Studies at Film and TV School of Academy of Performing Arts (FAMU, Prague). Also studied at the Academy of Fine Arts (AVU, Prague) and Malmö Art Academy, Sweden. In 2015 shortlisted as a finalist of Essl Art Award CEE, in 2014 shortlisted as a finalist in video category of Contemporary Talents 2013, international competition organized by Francois Schneider Foundation in France. In 2010 awarded 1st prize in video category and selected as an overall winner of Expo 2010 student competition organized by the Czech participation at Expo 2010 in Shanghai, China, where the work was also presented. Her films and videos were screened internationally (Spain, Tunisia, USA).


Lifestyle | Screening: Comrade consumerists!

Video art THU-SUN @ 11:00 - 5/20/16 12:00

There’s no limit to your “love” | Screening: Pop-compression

Video art THU-SUN @ 15:00 - 5/6/16 16:00

Dancing for Godot |Screening: Everyday Technology

Video art THU-SUN @ 14:00 - 5/7/16 15:00

Sinnes Spøkelse | Screening: Abstract Aesthetics

Video art Thu @ 13:00-5/6/16 14:00   Sat @ 12:00-5/6/16 13:00   Sun @ 11:00-5/6/16 12:00  

Everyday Technology

Video art THU-SUN @ 14:00 - 5/8/16 15:00

First person shooter | Screening: Everyday Technology

Video art THU-SUN @ 14:00 - 5/7/16 15:00

Athens Digital Arts Festival is an International Festival which celebrates digital culture through an annual gathering bringing together a global community of artists and audiences. Athens Digital Arts Festival encourages, stimulates and promotes all aspects of digital creativity by hosting local as well as international artists and communities.


T. +302103230005

7 Flemigk Str., 143 42, Nea Filadelfia,
Athens, Greece

18 Miltiadou Str., 105 60, Monastiraki,
Athens, Greece